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Field Trip Ideas From Home

Field Trip Ideas From Home

With kids home from school it can be challenging to find activities that are fun and educational. I spent some time sifting through the thousands of virtual field trip ideas so you don’t have to! After each trip, work with your child to fill out the field trip report found at the bottom of the page. Happy exploring!

Aquariums, Zoos, Sanctuaries and Farms

It can be so much fun to learn about animals. Find live streams, animal feedings, exhibit tours as well as check out a dairy farm! After the field trip you can have your child choose their favorite animal to draw and write a description of.

San Diego Zoo

Chester Zoo

The Georgia Aquarium

American Dairy Association Farm Tour


Museums are always an educational field trip. From art to natural history to ancient history the opportunities for learning are endless!

The British Museum

The Musée du Louvre

Virtual Tours of New York’s Kid-Friendly Museums

American Museum of Natural History

National Parks and Gardens

Explore the national parks and gardens in the US. There is so much to see and it’s a great way to start a list of places you and your family might want to visit someday.

National Parks on Google Earth *recommended to use with Chrome

NY Botanical Gardens

Theme Parks

Don’t forget to take a break from learning and go on a trip to your favorite theme park. And all without the height requirement or long lines!

Disney World & Disneyland Virtual Rides

Field Trip Report

A helpful way to discuss what you’ve explored is to draw and write about it! Here’s a template for a report you can do with your kids!

Printable Field Trip Report

I hope you find this list helpful and fun!