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Art Teachers

Fundraising with Art Using Student Portfolios

Fundraising with Art Using Student Portfolios

An Art Portfolio Fundraiser is a great way to celebrate your school’s art program and support your school by fundraising with art in a big way! These make perfect spring and end-of-school-year fundraisers. With so much awesome art to choose from, parents can’t resist placing multiple orders! Benefits of Using Art Portfolios If your school… Read more »

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9 Ways to Display Your Kids’ Art!

9 Ways to Display Your Kids’ Art!

Image from Artful Parent There are many ways to display your kids’ artwork and turn those stacks of projects into something you love to look at every day. If you’re like me, you stockpile your kids’ art! Maybe you even keep it in a bin at home, under your bed, or in a drawer. You… Read more »

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The Importance of Art in Education

The Importance of Art in Education

Above image by art advocate and teacher, Brandie Pettus, http://createartwithme.blogspot.com/ Art education is at risk. There’s no doubt about it, public investment in schools has declined dramatically. As schools focus limited resources on standardized test subject areas, funds for art education have taken a big hit. Whenever school budgets are tight, the arts are vulnerable…. Read more »

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5 Ways to Celebrate Youth Art Month

5 Ways to Celebrate Youth Art Month

The month of March is Youth Art Month! It was founded by the Crayon, Water Color & Craft Institute, Inc. with the National Art Education Association. It was first celebrated in 1961 and was originally called Children’s Art Month. The purpose of Youth Art Month is to promote and celebrate the arts in schools. We put together a few… Read more »

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